Coordinateurs : C. Wolff & A. Hamilton
Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE)
Avril 2020
En anglais avec résumés en français
330 pages
ISSN : 0253-1933
ISBN : 978-92-95115-56-9
Ce numéro de la Revue scientifique et technique a pour objet de présenter une série d’articles susceptibles d’aider les Membres de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) ainsi que la communauté internationale intéressée par les échanges d’animaux et de produits d’origine animale à mieux comprendre les cadres mis en place par les accords de l’OMC sur le commerce et les normes internationales de l’OIE, à travers un examen des principes théoriques sur lesquels reposent ces accords et ces normes, et quelques exemples illustrant leur mise en œuvre.
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Index :
- Préface – Assurer la sécurité sanitaire des échanges internationaux d’animaux et de produits d’origine animale
- Introduction – Assurer la sécurité sanitaire des échanges internationaux d’animaux et de produits d’origine animale
- C. Wolff & I. Calderón – World Trade Organization agreements: a framework for trade in animals and animal products
- G. Stanton & G. Prakash – World Trade Organization disputes related to animal diseases
- A. Gobind Daswani & K. Bucher – International regulatory cooperation: contribution of the OIE and the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and SPS Committee
- K. Bucher, D. Tellechea, F. Caya & J. Stratton – Implementation of OIE international standards: challenges and opportunities for monitoring
- S. Kahn – Animal welfare in the context of World Trade Organization dispute settlement
- A. Hamilton – Facilitating market access: risk assessment, equivalence and regionalisation provisions in the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- M. Escandor, S. Amurao, I. Santos & C. Benigno – Developing and implementing a protocol for bilateral trade agreements: the Philippines’ shift to a risk assessment policy and meeting its challenges
- H.I. Maldonado Cáceres – Guatemala: efforts to facilitate free trade in an animal health context
- G. Funes, A.L. Merlo, M. Sowul, N. Rendine, X. Melon & A. Marcos – Disease-free zones: bilateral recognition procedure in South America
- F. Meliado & P. Widders – Mutual recognition of veterinary testing and inspection results to facilitate international trade
- H.M. Vesterinen, A.M. Pérez & K.M. Errecaborde – Building capacity for World Trade Organization dispute settlement: piloting polarity mapping for trade relations
- D. Adamson, W. Gilbert, P. Rothman-Ostrow & J. Rushton – The pros and cons of animal health harmonisation
- D. Grace & P. Little – Informal trade in livestock and livestock products
- E. Bonbon – A framework for national official assurance systems with reference to World Organisation for Animal Health standards
- W.T. Jolly – National official assurance systems for international trade in animals and animal products, with reference to the standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health
- M. Maja, L. Janse van Rensburg & C. Gerstenberg – Compartmentalisation: an example of a national official assurance system
- R.K. Aumüller & E. Coetzer – Animal welfare in GLOBALG.A.P.’s integrated farm assurance standard for livestock: an industry perspective and example of a private and globally acting quality assurance system
- M. Tripoli & J. Schmidhuber – Optimising traceability in trade for live animals and animal products with digital technologies
- N. Gibbens – National Veterinary Services and the private sector: the role of private veterinarians, aquatic animal health professionals and veterinary para-professionals in animal health and food safety assurance
- R. Alcala, H. Vitikkala & G. Ferlet – The World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and veterinary control procedures
- A.Tan – Use of the standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health in veterinary certificates
- D. Grace – Trust in trade: a global perspective on health certification
- B.S. Cooper & P. Loopuyt – eCertification (eCert)
- P. Cáceres, P. Tizzani, F. Ntsama & R. Mora – The World Organisation for Animal Health: notification of animal diseases
- R. Alcala & M.B. Martinez-Hommel – World Trade Organization: notification of sanitary and phytosanitary measures