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Panorama ResourcesCompendium of international organisations’ practices

Resources Posted on 2021-12-20 15:26:26

Compendium of international organisations’ practices

Working towards more effective international instruments

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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
September 2021

127 pages


The Compendium of international organisations’ practices brings together the experiences of some 50 international organisations with different mandates, memberships and institutional frameworks. The ultimate objective of the Compendium is to draw lessons from these experiences to improve international rulemaking.

The document is designed to serve not only all national and international policy practitioners, but also civil society actors, academic experts, private actors, and citizens who seek to understand, benefit from and perhaps even contribute to the international rulemaking process, which is meant to benefit all.

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La OMSA (fundada como OIE) es una organización mundial que trabaja para garantizar la sanidad animal en todo el mundo. Desde 1924, nos hemos centrado en las complejidades de la sanidad animal. Difundimos información sobre las enfermedades de los animales y utilizamos estrategias con base científica para limitar su impacto potencialmente negativo en la sociedad.