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The official Animal HealthTransparency: submitting disease notifications and regular reports to the OIE

Animal Health Posted on 2021-11-15 09:02:39

Transparency: submitting disease notifications and regular reports to the OIE

Notification process and update on the annual report and voluntary report on wildlife

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The new OIE World Animal Health Information System, better known as OIE-WAHIS, is an internet-based computer system that processes data on animal diseases, of both domestic animals and wildlife, in real time. The data – which covers OIE-listed diseases, emerging diseases and zoonoses – is gathered by the Veterinary Services of OIE Members and non-member countries and territories.

The information can be publicly accessed at In addition, the OIE disseminates this information to its Members and to the international community through the OIE–WAHIS Distribution list. Reporting access to this secure site is only available to OIE Delegates and Chief Veterinary Officers or to their nominees (‘focal points’).

The new system, which replaces its predecessor, WAHIS, was launched in March 2021, with two main modules:

  1. An early warning system to collect and inform the international community, by means of immediate notifications and follow-up reports, of relevant epidemiological events that have occurred in OIE Member and non-member countries.
  2. A monitoring system to monitor OIE-listed diseases in terrestrial and aquatic animals (presence or absence) over time, by collecting six-monthly reports from OIE Members.

The new public interface includes tools to facilitate data consultation (dashboards and interactive mapping tools) and tools to make it easier to extract officially validated animal health data.

The OIE–WAHIS system has continued to evolve since its launch. New functionalities are being added and performance is gradually improving. The OIE and the European Commission are currently running the Animal Disease Information System (ADIS) project to establish connectivity between OIE–WAHIS and the European Union (EU) regional animal disease platform in order to create a single data entry point for EU Member States. There are plans to launch new components so that the whole range of reports and information that countries send to the OIE can be submitted via OIE–WAHIS. Work is currently underway to develop the annual report module (to report additional information on zoonoses, animal populations, the veterinary workforce, etc.). The module for the voluntary report on non-OIE-listed diseases in wildlife will be developed in 2022, and it will be of pivotal importance in meeting one of the objectives of the OIE Wildlife Health Framework, namely, better transparency and accuracy in reporting diseases in wildlife. These and other upcoming improvements will align with the priorities of the OIE digital transformation strategy, which itself is aligned with the OIE Seventh Strategic Plan.

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