Animal Health Posted on 2019-01-30 14:58:52
Official disease status
Mauritius – Withdrawal of the OIE’s official disease status with regard to FMD
In 2001, Mauritius was officially recognised by the OIE as a foot and mouth disease (FMD)-free country where vaccination is not practised. However, following a notification received from the Delegate of Mauritius to the OIE, reporting outbreaks of FMD in his country, the FMD-free status of Mauritius was suspended, with effect from 7 July 2016.
According to the provisions of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code, and considering that more than two years have elapsed since its status was suspended, Mauritius is no longer able to comply with the requirements for recovery of its FMD-free status. Consequently, the OIE has withdrawn its FMD status.
Contact: OIE Status Department