Animal Health Posted on 2019-05-27 15:02:40
Official disease status
Russia – Recovery of ‘FMD-free zone where vaccination is not practised’ status
Following an immediate notification received from the Delegate of Russia to the OIE of an outbreak of FMD in Respublika Bashkortostan, the ‘FMD-free zone where vaccination is not practiced’ status of Russia, as recognised by the OIE World Assembly of Delegates in terms of Resolution No. 22 of May 2017, was suspended with effect from 30 September 2017.
The Delegate of Russia submitted a dossier to the OIE Director General requesting for the recovery of its ‘FMD free zone where vaccination is not practised’ status in accordance with the relevant provisions of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code).
The Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases, by electronic correspondence amongst its members, considered the information provided by the Delegate of Russia. Based on the documentation submitted and in accordance with Resolution No. 15 of May 2015, the Scientific Commission concluded that the zone of Russia fulfils the requirements of Article 8.8.7. of the Terrestrial Code to regain its previous ‘FMD-free zone where vaccination is not practised’ status with effect from 20 May 2019.
Contact: OIE Status Department