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Panorama Around the worldAchieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Around the world Posted on 2020-01-14 16:07:16

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Effectiveness of the African Development Bank’s public–private partnership interventions


Youssouf Kabore(1)* & Christopher Ndi(1)

(1) Department of Agriculture and Agro-Industry (AHAI), African Development Bank, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

* Corresponding author:

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The African Development Bank’s public–private partnership (PPP) mechanism for the 2006–2016 period, with a portfolio of 39 projects totalling US$ 2.4 billion, places strong emphasis on infrastructure and PPPs as tools for intervention to overcome the bottlenecks that have hampered developing countries and their ability to attract direct foreign investments.

The Bank’s Private Sector Development Strategy and its subsequent updates introduced PPPs as intervention tools for the bank’s operations.

In 2005, the African Development Bank’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) established a special fund, in collaboration with international donors, to assist African countries. This fund, known as the Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility, offered another stimulus for PPPs in Africa.

The bank’s governance strategy and action plan have always stressed the importance of strengthening PPP policy, legislation and regulatory frameworks to aid in developing livestock infrastructure in Africa (e.g. dip tanks, crush pens, vaccination crushes, feeding and drinking troughs, veterinary laboratories, etc.).

Some photographs from the African Development Bank-funded Livestock Infrastructure Support Programme (LISP) in Zambia. Left: a vaccination crush in Nakonde; right: a feeding and drinking trough in Kasama.



  1. United Nations (2015). – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  2. African Development Bank – Group Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) (2019). – Evaluation of the bank’s utilization of the public–private partnership mechanism, 2006–2017.
  3. World Bank Institute (WBI) & Public–Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) (2012). – PPP Basics and Principles of a PPP Framework.
  4. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) (2015). – The 2015 Infrascope: evaluating the environment for public–private partnerships in Africa.
  5. African Development Bank Group – Governance, Economic and Financial Management Deparment (OSGE) (2017). – Governance Strategic Framework and Action Plan – GAP II. Promoting good governance and accountability for Africa’s transformation (2014–2018).
  6. Johm K.B. (2016). – Feed Africa: Strategy for Agricultural Transformation in Africa 2016-2025. African Development Bank Group.

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