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Around the world Posted on 2021-03-08 08:51:19

GET Prepared

A toolbox for emergency preparedness


F. Rosso (1) & S. Gaynor (1)*

(1) The European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EuFMD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

* Corresponding author:

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The European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EuFMD) is developing a toolbox called ‘GET Prepared’. This toolbox will contain resources for contingency planners to assess and address gaps in different areas of preparedness for animal disease emergencies. GET Prepared is also aimed at facilitating networking between contingency planners.

The user interface

The user interface is shown as a wall (Fig. 1). Each component of emergency preparedness is represented by a brick in the wall. The wall conveys the idea of building preparedness, and the bricks indicate that the process is continuous. The coloured layers represent the foundations and different epidemiological phases of the animal disease event (alert – emergency – reconstruction).

The tools

toolboxThe tools include resources already developed by EuFMD, such as the EuFMDis model (a multi-country, FMD outbreak simulation model), an FMD impact calculator and e-learning courses. New tools will be developed within the EuFMD workplan in collaboration with the European Commission and EuFMD Member Nations. During audits carried out in Member Nations, the European Commission (SANTE.DDG2.F.2) has identified good practices and resources, and countries are asked to share these. While existing tools focus mainly on FMD, many of the new tools will be generic and able to be adapted for similar transboundary animal diseases. A number of the tools will be of use to countries other than EuFMD Members, although some will be tailored to meet European Union legislative requirements.

Assessment tools

The GET Prepared toolbox will also include assessment tools to facilitate the identification of gaps and areas for improvement in preparedness, such as rubrics (scoring guides), online tools including calculators and questionnaires, or checklists.

Timeline and prioritisation of components

The development of the different components will be prioritised according to the needs of EuFMD Member Nations. The GET Prepared toolbox is expected to be fully available online by October 2021. Resources will be progressively added, and initiatives to promote the use of the tool will be launched.

Access to the toolbox

These resources will be accessible by all EuFMD members and other countries, taking into consideration intellectual property rights and the need for support to use the different tools.

Fig. 1. Steps towards preparedness. Peacetime preparation for the different stages of animal disease management
For more information, please visit the GET Prepared web page
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