S. Mesenhowski (1)* & A. Tollervey (2)
(1) Senior Program Officer Global Growth & Opportunity (GGO), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Washington, United States of America.
(2) Senior Livelihoods Adviser, Research and Evidence Division, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom.
* Corresponding author:
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GBADs’ innovative methodology for determining the economic burden caused by animal diseases, including those that are often under-emphasised, will shed light on the daily realities faced by livestock keepers that prevent them from maximising their livelihoods. This collaborative effort brings together experts who have long been working on the critical themes featured in GBADs and offers an opportunity to align efforts towards a cohesive and cooperative global public good, amplified by the expertise of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
In the current context of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the interrelatedness of animal, human and environmental health is clear. Moreover, diseases of zoonotic potential, emerging diseases, neglected tropical diseases, and diseases of economic significance are often competing for limited resources from livestock keepers and the public and private sector. And, while livestock contributes 40% of the global agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) [1], and 5% of the overall world GDP [2], the sector competes for just 2.5% of agricultural official development assistance (ODA) [3], thus highlighting the need for better evidence to design and prioritise the most effective animal health interventions that will have the greatest impact.
GBADs will identify weaknesses in the distribution of animal health resources and technology
GBADs’ time is now because this tool will identify weaknesses in the distribution of animal health resources and technology and enhance the allocation of such resources by generating better information on livestock and aquatic systems. The programme will enable better animal health management, which in turn will have positive impacts on agricultural productivity and increase household incomes for small-scale producers around the world, lessening their vulnerability to climate change and other shocks.
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