Perspectives Posted on 2020-01-02 14:21:02
Public–private partnerships: benefits and challenges in the veterinary sector
Samuel Thevasagayam, Agriculture Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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One crucial component of the solution, as evidenced by observations from the developed world, is to bring the best skills, capabilities and resources from both the public and private sectors together, to improve the provision of veterinary services. In a highly connected world, with increasing challenges related to climate change, it is more urgent than ever before for us to work together, to collectively improve the responsible and efficient production of animal-sourced foods, the well-being of our animal companions and the welfare of animals, humans and the environment.
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) continues to lead efforts in setting standards and improving the performance of veterinary services across the world. In collaboration with its 182 Member Delegates, the OIE is best placed to show the way forward by bringing together the best of what the public and private sectors have to offer, to improve the provision of veterinary services. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is honoured to partner with the OIE in this endeavour and commends the leadership that the OIE has shown in improving animal health, public health, and animal welfare, through the public–private partnership initiative.