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Panorama DossierThe HHP framework, for certified high-health-status equine athletes

Dossier Posted on 2019-08-08 13:05:54

The HHP framework, for certified high-health-status equine athletes


Morgane Dominguez(1), Neo J. Mapitse(1)*, Göran Akerström (2), Roland Devolz(3), John McEwen(2), Brian Stewart(4) & Kenneth Lam(4)

(1) Status Department, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
(2) International Equestrian Federation (FEI), Lausanne, Switzerland.
(3) International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
(4) Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

* Corresponding author:

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The High Health, High Performance (HHP) framework is a risk-based, harmonised framework for the safe temporary importation of sport horses for competition purposes. HHP horses are international athletes that have a high health status certified by the Veterinary Authority.
To address the increasing demand from emerging countries to take part in international equestrian events, the OIE, in partnership with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) and the International Horse Sports Confederation (IHSC), has developed a harmonised framework for the safe temporary importation of horses competing in high-level events: the High Health, High Performance (HHP) framework.

This risk-based framework is built on established OIE standards and principles, such as compartmentalisation and zoning, certification, traceability, identification, and stringent biosecurity, to establish a subpopulation of horses with a high health status (as defined in Chapter 4.17. of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code). Such a high-health subpopulation is established by the application of documented health management practices and biosecurity measures to create and maintain a functional separation between horses within the subpopulation and all other equids – at all times and places. HHP horses are international athletes that have a high health status certified by the Veterinary Authority.

The OIE HHP Handbook includes detailed recommendations and model certificates

Detailed recommendations for the management of high-health-status horse subpopulations are defined in the OIE Handbook for the Management of High Health, High Performance Horses. The OIE HHP Handbook also includes model HHP Veterinary Certificates, which provide harmonised requirements for the temporary importation of HHP horses to take part in international sports events and return to their usual countries of residence.

The HHP framework is not meant to override existing import agreements. This harmonised, risk-based framework is primarily intended to assist countries that have not yet established bilateral and regional import agreements. It enables them to provide assurance to their trading partners of the very low health risk posed by horses that are temporarily moved internationally to compete in international sporting events.

OIE HHP Handbook
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