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Panorama ResourcesGuidelines on the establishment, management, and self-declaration to the OIE of an equine-disease-free zone

Resources Posted on 2019-08-08 13:08:26

Guidelines on the establishment, management, and self-declaration to the OIE of an equine-disease-free zone

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Author: Anthony Kettle, Equine International Consulting, Darwin, Australia.

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)

These guidelines have been developed thanks to the support of the International Horse Sports Confederation (IHSC). They aim at providing a structured approach to support Members Countries of the OIE in:

  • establishing an equine-disease-free zone (EDFZ)
  • applying for the publication of a self-declaration of an EDFZ by the OIE
  • implementing control of horse movement through specific veterinary certificates.

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