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Panorama ResourcesDisaster prevention and preparedness

Resources Posted on 2021-02-23 14:16:33

Disaster prevention and preparedness

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Scientific and Technical Review, Vol. 39 (2)

Editor: G.A. Vroegindewey

World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
August 2020

321 pages
ISBN: 978-92-95115-57-6
DOI: 10.20506/rst.issue.39.2.3084

This issue of the Scientific and Technical Review covers strategies aimed at building sustainable capabilities for national contingency planning and response, engaging with future technologies to enhance disaster resilience, promoting animal welfare and protecting responders. Case studies are also included that provide examples of previous disaster events, their impacts on animal populations and the responses by Veterinary Services to these events. These serve to provide lessons learned from such events so veterinary preparedness and response capabilities can be improved for the future.

[ Order the printed version ]


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