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The official Activities & ProgrammesGF–TADs FMD Working Group meets to review progress on implementation of its work plan

Activities & Programmes Posted on 2020-02-06 10:43:19

GF–TADs FMD Working Group meets to review progress on implementation of its work plan

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The Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Working Group of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF–TADs) reviewed the progress made on FMD control through its activities, including the Regional Roadmaps and support tools for the Progressive Control Pathway (PCP), training on the socio-economic impact of FMD, and the engagement of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and partners. The group also discussed potential synergies with global strategies that tackle other diseases to improve coordination activities.

The GF–TADs FMD Working Group held its second biannual meeting in Paris, France, on 8–9 July 2019, where it was welcomed by Dr Jean-Philippe Dop, Deputy Director of the OIE. He acknowledged the opportunity that these meetings offer to the Working Group to review progress of its activities, whose aim is to continue to find new and innovative ways to assist countries in delivering the objectives of the Global FMD Control Strategy.

The meeting took stock of progress on the work plan for 2019–2020. Ways of strengthening collaboration between the FAO, OIE and the European Commission for the Control of FMD (EuFMD) were discussed, including partnerships with RECs, development partners and other key stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Global FMD Control Strategy.

The Working Group noted the progress achieved in implementing Regional Roadmaps and the successful outcomes of Epidemiology/Laboratory Network meetings. The Working Group also recognised the contribution of FAO and OIE personnel in the regions, and agreed upon the programme for future regional roadmap or network meetings (West Africa, the Middle East, Southern Africa and Central Africa).

Building on the improvements already achieved with the PCP tools, the PCP Support Officers’ Programme and training sessions on the socio-economics of FMD, the Working Group held in-depth discussions on the PCP statement management tool being developed by the EuFMD. This new tool, together with a revised checklist to assist in reviewing country FMD control plans, will improve the management of the national FMD control plans submitted to the Working Group and the workflow. The goal: timely feedback to countries from the Working Group and Regional Advisory Groups.

More information on GF–TADs and FMD

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