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Panorama Around the worldThe OIE public–private partnership initiative: interest and possible routes for dissemination

Around the world Posted on 2020-01-14 16:06:27

The OIE public–private partnership initiative: interest and possible routes for dissemination


Keith Sumption, The European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EuFMD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

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The European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease (EuFMD) warmly welcomes The OIE PPP Handbook, since it provides an excellent starting point for discussions on public–private partnership (PPP) in foot and mouth disease control in both endemic and emergency management situations.

So far, the EuFMD has provided training to more than 10,000 veterinarians through its e-learning platform. The Executive Secretary of EuFMD believes that tutored courses on PPP application at the national level would be in high demand and highly relevant to students.

There is a need to share experience in PPP application and a programme of webinars, podcasts and other media could help to communicate the benefits of PPPs, as well as the issues that we need to address. Through this, a community of practice may quickly emerge to help guide and support those getting started in PPPs.


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