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Panorama Around the worldFeed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems

Around the world Posted on 2021-08-16 11:13:52

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems


A. Adesogan(1)*, S. Hendrickx(2) & A. Bisson(3)

(1) Director, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems, University of Florida, United States of America.
(2) Deputy Director, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems, University of Florida, United States of America.
(3) Senior Livestock Advisor, Center for Resilience, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States of America.

* Corresponding author:

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the Feed the Future Innovation Lab (i-Lab) for Livestock Systems and other i-Labs to conduct research on the causes, impacts, costs, prevention and mitigation of livestock diseases in selected Asian and African countries. These data will be shared to allow systematic estimation of the global burden of animal diseases to drive evidence-based resource allocation. This work will provide much-needed data to support animal health interventions for some of the poorest livestock producers.

Assessing calf health in Ethiopia. Credit: University of California – Davis

For more information please visit the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems website

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