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Panorama Around the worldInitiatives to facilitate the international movement of sport horses in South America

Around the world Posted on 2019-08-08 13:06:15

Initiatives to facilitate the international movement of sport horses in South America


Oscar Bertoletti(1), Horacio Espósito(1) & Silvina Koremblit(1)

(1) South American Organization for the Promotion of Thoroughbred (OSAF), San Isidro, Argentina.

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A high-health-status programme and agreements with Customs Administrations are being developed with the support of the South American Organization for the Promotion of Thoroughbreds (OSAF) to facilitate international movement of sport horses in the region.

High-health-status programme

The OSAF has successfully taken part in various approaches to facilitate the movement of racehorses. It collaborates with the South American Technical Committee to develop a South American programme for racehorses, based on the principles of a high-health-status horse subpopulation, as defined in Chapter 4.17. of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code.

This programme will be launched in 2019–2020. It is based on specific measures to establish high health status, as well as continuous veterinary supervision and traceability – including during training. The programme aims to facilitate temporary importations of racehorses to participate in international races; in particular, by exempting them from pre-export or post-import quarantine.

The development and implementation of this programme require the close collaboration of various stakeholders (veterinarians, analysts, handicappers and those who keep the stud books) to introduce and implement new tools to ensure the high health status and traceability of horses included in the programme.

Agreement between Customs Administrations

An agreement is being prepared between the Customs Administrations of Uruguay and Argentina, thanks to the assistance of the Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in Argentina, and with the support of the OSAF. This agreement is intended to allow the free movement of pure-bred horses, with official documentation, between these two countries, for temporary export and for non-reproductive purposes. This agreement will cover thoroughbreds, quarter horses and polo horses.
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