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Panorama Around the worldPan American Games

Around the world Posted on 2019-09-24 10:51:35

Pan American Games

Lima, Peru, July–August 2019


Luis O. Barcos(1)* & Mario Bonifaz Flores(2)

(1) OIE Regional Representation for the Americas, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
(2) Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA), Lima, Peru.

* Corresponding author:

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Peru hosted the Pan American Games in Lima from 26 July to 11 August 2019.

About 150 horses from 14 countries participated in the equestrian competitions. These games were qualifiers for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

The Peru National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) established animal health requirements for horses taking part in the games and needing temporary entry into Peru. These requirements were established in accordance with the standards and recommendations of the OIE, and in compliance with biosecurity standards, to mitigate risk of the introduction and spread of equine diseases.

Pan American Games website

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