Official Acts Posted on 2021-11-15 10:28:30
Resolutions and Recommendations
Seventh Strategic Plan of the OIE
Our ambition for 2025
There have been global developments on climate change, food consumption patterns, animal welfare or societal expectations for more environmentally friendly animal production. These developments need to be considered along with advances in science and information technology, and the increasing complexity and interrelatedness of systems.
With the COVID-19 crisis, these societal expectations have become even greater, and even more urgent, while other concerns have appeared on the list of priorities. These include issues relating to the surveillance of potential reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens posing a high epidemic risk, especially in wildlife.
- the OIE must exercise its voice in global discussions on these issues, within frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals or the One Health approach, as they have a direct impact on the socio-economic balance of rural families and the sustainability of animal production systems;
- Veterinary Services must be better prepared to respond to these complex, multiple challenges, which require a broader array of knowledge and skills than that usually covered in veterinary schools.
Building on its experience and expertise, and with the support of its network of Reference Centres, the OIE will help to foster the necessary changes so that national Veterinary Services, and more broadly animal health services, are better equipped to anticipate and respond to new expectations.
The 7th Strategic Plan of the OIE shares a global vision and a framework for action for 2021–2025
In preparing the 7th Strategic Plan, we engaged with our Members, partners and staff to define future expectations. In addition, a survey was conducted among our Members to identify the external factors that will influence the activities of Veterinary Services and the adaptations that these factors will require. We have also benefited from the first lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis, which do not call into question the relevance of the strategic objectives proposed for the coming years, but lead us to review the prioritisation of their operational implementation. Indeed, the OIE’s activities need to be adapted in light of these issues in order to meet Members’ expectations, in a context where the objectives must remain consistent with the available resources. Together, we have prepared this 7th Strategic Plan, with the aim of contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and together, we will rise to the challenge of implementing it.
OIE Seventh Strategic Plan (2021–2025) |