CONTINUOUS INFORMATION Posted on 2023-08-17 12:38:06
UNESCO's Futures Literacy Laboratory Playbook Highlights WOAH
With over a decade of experience in co-designing and implementing over 115 Futures Literacy Laboratories (FLLs) in 50 countries, UNESCO has published its Futures Literacy Laboratory Playbook.
The guidance provides a step-by-step process for designing, implementing and delivering such labs to explore how and why we anticipate the future. It uses numerous examples from Futures Literacy Laboratories, including those co-designed and co-facilitated with WOAH.
To learn more about WOAH FLLs, here are links to articles published in our Bulletin:
The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040 – WOAH Bulletin
Exploring the Futures of Collaboration, Partnerships and Multilateralism – WOAH Bulletin
Futures thinking or ‘using the future’ methods such as foresight and Futures Literacy, are meant to challenge and stretch beyond what is foreseen or what we think we know. Also, these methods may be employed with specific objectives in mind, such as formulating strategy or policy, engaging people into action, building capacity in longer term thinking and anticipation in decision making, changing management processes, etc. The design principles of FLLs are set out to learn, unlearn and relearn in an experimental setting to unleash the collective intelligence of the room.
We invite you to peruse this Playbook and consider how FLLs may be helpful to your organisation.