CONTINUOUS INFORMATION Posted on 2024-04-22 16:57:10
Progress Report on the External Review of WOAH's Basic Texts
We are pleased to announce the completion of the initial phase of an external and independent review of WOAH’s Basic Texts.
This phase culminates with a comprehensive report containing a detailed description of WOAH’s legal framework, a benchmarking analysis with other relevant international organisations, and a set of recommendations. These call for the improvement of the institutional, technical and financial governance of the Organisation through a revision of WOAH’s Basic Texts.
The need to review the Basic Texts was initially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This global crisis prompted a re-evaluation of entrenched practices across many organisations, including WOAH. The pandemic revealed certain aspects of the WOAH Basic Texts that lacked the requisite flexibility and adaptability to effectively navigate evolving situations. This, along with issues identified during the 2021 elections of the Specialist Commissions, led the Council to recognise the need for a comprehensive, independent and external review of our Basic Texts.
By commissioning the review, the Council sought to assess whether the Basic Texts are fit for purpose and capable of supporting an efficient, effective and sustainable organisation into the future.
On the importance of the review
This initiative was communicated to the Assembly at the 90th WOAH General Session in May 2023. During this session, WOAH Director General, Dr Monique Eloit, emphasised the importance of this review. She stated that it would ‘consider WOAH’s functions and scientific system to ensure the excellence of its governance and its administrative structures, with particular attention to the composition and function of the Council, the Regional Commissions and the Director General, as well as the terms of reference for Specialist Commissions, ad hoc Groups, Working Groups and Reference Centres’.
This comprehensive review, which began in August 2023, aims to analyse and evaluate the institutional, technical and financial governance of the Organisation. Two international organisational law experts were contracted for the process. The methodology used included a thorough review of governance documentation, conducting workshops with the WOAH Executive Management Committee and Council, and carrying out interviews with Delegates, members of Specialist Commissions and WOAH staff, including Regional Representatives.
Analysis and evaluation report
The full report, titled ‘Analysis and evaluation of the institutional, technical and financial governance of the World Organisation for Animal Health’, is available as part of the 2024 General Session working document 91GS/Adm-13. All Delegates are strongly encouraged to read this document and be prepared to discuss this important work during the 91st General Session Forum, titled ‘Is WOAH ready for the future?’. This Forum will introduce a Resolution calling for the revision of the WOAH Basic Texts.
Specific changes to the Basic Texts will not be proposed at the 2024 General Session. Instead, the Assembly will be invited to decide on the best way to progress in further exploring the report’s recommendations. Consequently, this ongoing work on the Basic Texts may create multi-year work streams across all areas. This will entail the production of draft revisions to the Basic Texts, as well as the proposal of implementation guidance documents for adoption by the Assembly in future General Sessions.