CONTINUOUS INFORMATION Posted on 2024-04-22 16:56:07
Launching the Scientific Watch Bulletin on Rabies
WOAH is pleased to announce the launch of the Scientific Watch Bulletin on Rabies, which will serve as a comprehensive repository of the latest scientific literature on rabies. This Bulletin continues the valuable work of the previous WOAH Rabies Watch and is carried out with the contribution of ANSES, The Rabies and Wildlife Laboratory in Nancy, France.
Rabies is a deadly viral disease, transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, and it remains a persistent global health threat. The Scientific Watch Bulletin aims to keep stakeholders updated on the latest research, emerging epidemiological trends and advancements in the prevention and control of rabies. By consolidating and disseminating the up-to-date knowledge, this Bulletin aims to empower researchers, policymakers, advocates, as well as human and animal health professionals in their efforts to combat this preventable disease.
The first two editions are available on the United Against Rabies website. The Bulletin will be disseminated monthly by the United Against Rabies Forum, and stakeholders are invited to sign up to the mailing list to receive updates on rabies-focused research, news and events.
The United Against Rabies Forum is a global network of organisations committed to eliminating human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030.
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