CONTINUOUS INFORMATION Posted on 2024-05-24 15:44:13
Global Launch of the PVS Pathway Information System
Significant strides made towards improving Veterinary Services’ outcomes through more accessible and useful PVS data
The PVS Pathway Information System (PVS IS) has been launched on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the World Organisation for Animal Health at the 91st General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates.
WOAH developed the PVS Information System so that its digitalisation could lead to greater impact of the PVS Pathway. Through innovative data visualisation and analysis techniques, WOAH has unlocked valuable text data. This allows governments, investors and partners to access, use and act upon the recommendations more easily, efficiently and strategically.
Offering complete documentation of the performance of the Veterinary Services, PVS reports contain insights and recommendations that have been useful to governments, investors and partners of the Veterinary Services. However, it has been challenging to explore, summarise and implement this rich data and the recommendations on how to improve the performance and quality of the Veterinary Services according to the WOAH International Standards due to its text format.
Given WOAH’s efforts to make PVS data more accessible and useful according to the PVS Pathway programme’s Theory of Change, significant efforts were mobilised to achieve its goal of improved Veterinary Services, health and welfare and livelihoods. PVS data has never been more accessible and useful for Members’ Veterinary Services to advocate for and prioritise their investments in the veterinary domain. WOAH continues to digitalise the PVS Pathway for its Members’ use and benefit.
Establishing trends through the PVS Monitoring Cycle
A major benefit of the PVS Information System is the development of key performance indicators to assist Delegates in understanding their VS progress since their first PVS Evaluation. The PVS Monitoring Cycle regularly monitors Veterinary Services performance through PVS Initial and Follow-up Evaluations every 5 years. Next a targeting and costing exercise, the PVS Gap Analysis and Update, focuses investments and efforts according to established and costed activities and work plans.
Dynamic dashboards to explore trends and insights on VS performance
Migrating past data from all PVS Evaluation type reports (n=212 since 2006) was prioritised to preserve the precious trend data used by so many VS partners and stakeholders around the world – including the World Bank, Pandemic Fund, WHO, FAO, The Gates Foundation and others – for critical agriculture, health and One Health activities for WOAH’s Members.
The trend data at the national, regional and global levels is featured in the dozens of visualisations developed, based on the PVS Levels of Advancement (LOA) and recommendations, strengths and weaknesses analysed. This insight allows Delegates, Partners and WOAH to use PVS data for action and investment at the VS level, decision making and improved development of WOAH’s International Standards.
Future PVS reports with more actionable recommendations and cleaner reporting
Work continues to automate processes so that implementation of PVS missions will become easier than ever. The automation of processes related to travel, security, budget, accounting, correspondence, expert selection and more will make the process more efficient, reducing errors and delays. Moreover, online data collection and report forms are under development for all future initial and Follow-up PVS Evaluation-type missions, and dashboards will feature real-time data insights.
Stay tuned for updates and training opportunities!
Contact: Jennifer Lasley ( and Barbara Alessandrini, WOAH Capacity Building Department